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Smallest Flower in the World

The Smallest Flower in the World! Watermeal (Wolffia globosa)

Watermeal or Wolffia globosa is known as the smallest flower in the world. An oval plant with a bright green color is commonly found in Asia and other parts of America and Africa.

Smallest Flower in the World
Smallest Flower in the World


Watermeal or Wolffia globosa is known as the smallest flower in the world. It is commonly found in Asia and other parts of America and Africa. An oval plant with a bright green color, and can be the size of a grain of rice.

Watermeal or Wolffia globosa is from the duckweed family, which is a simple form of flowering plant. That type of species of Watermeal can seen worldwide, and each of them is very small.

Revealing the Smallest Flower in the World (Watermeal): An All-Inclusive Guide

They are commonly found in freshwater bodies like lakes, ponds, and marshes. They are very tiny plants with no leaves, stems, or roots, so they can easily float on the surface of water like a mat.

They are very hard to see! The average length of the plant is 1/42″ long and 1/85″ wide, so it is commonly known as the smallest flower in the world.

Each Watermeal flower has a single stamen and pistil; which makes the world’s smallest fruit, that is known as a Utricle.

Whether watermeal can be seen in India?

Yes, watermeal can be seen in various parts of the world, including India also. As watermeal is a floating aquatic plant that grows in slow-moving water.
Environmental factors can affect the presence of watermeal, and nutrient-rich water is more likely to contain it.


Watermeal, the smallest flower in the world is a tiny floating aquatic flower that belongs to the duckweed family. They are found on the surface of slow-moving water bodies which are enriched in natural nutrients.

FAQs on the Smallest Flower in the World

  1. What is watermeal, and how can it be identified?

    A little floating aquatic plant that is a member of the duckweed family is called watermeal. It is distinguished by its tiny, oval-shaped fronds, which are usually 0.5 to 1.5 millimeters long. On the surface of stationary or slowly flowing water bodies, it frequently creates green mats.

  2. Where can watermeal be found in India?

    India’s water bodies, including as ponds, lakes, and marshes, are home to watermeal. It usually does best in nutrient-rich settings with still or slowly flowing water.

  3. What are the ecological implications of watermeal in aquatic ecosystems?

    Watermeal can affect the environment in both good and bad ways. Although it gives certain aquatic species food and habitat, its quick growth can shade the water’s surface, which could affect other aquatic plants and throw the ecosystem’s equilibrium off.

  4. How does watermeal reproduce?

    The main method of reproduction for watermeal is asexual, in which the daughter fronds bud out from the mother frond. This fast vegetative reproduction helps create dense colonies on the surface of the water.

  5. Is watermeal harmful to aquatic environments?

    Although watermeal is a naturally occurring component of many aquatic habitats, overgrowth can cause problems like oxygen depletion and decreased solar penetration. This might have a detrimental impact on other aquatic plants and animals, upsetting the water body’s natural equilibrium. In certain situations, watermeal populations may need to be managed and observed.

  6. What is the smallest flower in the world?

    Watermeal or Wolffia globosa is known as the smallest flower in the world.

  7. Which is the largest flower in the world?


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